Top 10k strings from Garfield - Big, Fat, Hairy Deal (1988)(The Edge Software).z80 in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [Z80] /

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   1 Z[\]tuvwTUVUUVUV^_`axyz{
   1 XcW--QOR-X
   1 Welcome, Welcome to the machine?!
   1 WXYZZfghhZxZxZ
   1 VWVGFWVWDd"""
   1 U}_VU}_VU}_V
   1 Rip, that's torn it!$Oh no, not another day.$Yummy, thats better$I needed that$That was tasty$P A U S E D$WOW, a nice cup of coffee$A key for the city pound!$hmmmm, an empty tray$A scary clockwork mouse$Aniseed balls, yuk,not nice$How much is this spade worth?$sausages, very tasty$Odie might like this bone$Boing! I don't like this$yummy, a slice of cake$Odie's dish, what next?$Who likes spinach?$Hey great, lets get some food$Hmmm, birds in the park!$That's useful, a lamp....$I just love fresh fish$A fish skeleton?$A warm blanket$Oooo, best tidy this away$Where shall I put this dish?$A newspaper.$Mmmm, chicken for lunch$Kick it!$Chocolate cookie$Some refreshing fruit$A steaminghot blueberry pie$FOOD$woo, heavy on the relish please$You need the key, Garfield!$dum de dum de dum$Oh boy, I hate Mondays$ARROOO$Hi Odie$Where's that stupid dog$Hmmm, how can I get out..$Fell asleep, oh well$Just have to try again..$Tomorrow maybe?$Press KICK$Nice one Garfield$See you in paradise$:e
   1 Re-define keys (Y/N)$Press key for :-$FIRE$UP$DOWN$LEFT$RIGHT$PAUSE$F    ENTERSPACECAPS SYMBL
   1 PQMRabcdtuvw
   1 O H I J K L M N O@H@I@J@K@L@M@N@O`H`I`J`K`L`M`N`O
   1 JKLMNOPbcde|}~
   1 GARFIELDS BIG FAT HAIRY DEAL$GARFIELD$COPYRIGHT$1978 UNITED FEATURES INC.$CODE (C) 1987 SOFTEK$CREDITS GO TO...$Coding by Steve$Neil Strudwick for grafix$Mat, Psy et al.$Mary, Luke, Dave, Henry, Denise Tim, Phil and Tim & Cheri$Megastar GOF$...$To Debs$...$$Come on Garfield, move your selfHERE KITTY KITTY ...$OH boy, am I getting hungry.... I'm getting tired ...$S N A C K
   1 G @ A B C D E F G@@@A@B@C@D@E@F@G`@`A`B`C`D`E`F`G
   1 1..Keyboard#2..Sinclair#3..Kempston#4..Re-define#!
   1 ///u///y///
   1 $%&'nop;|v}KLMNO^M_`qMrs~
   1  A T T A C K$Catch that bird!$Get out you fat little cat$EEK a mouse..$YUK.. The rat dosn't like that$Look    I can fly$B A P  take that Odie$Hi, I'm Nermal, aren't I cute$Oo err, hi Jon, better go..$
   1  !"#9:lmJyz{
   1  !"#9:.1JABD
   1     4444EEEE